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Watercolour pencils

Watercolor pencils have become a popular choice when it comes to colored pencils. Watercolor pencils are colored pencils that can be activated with water. When wetted, the colors become more intense and soft, allowing you to create different effects. They are also versatile and can be used on a variety of different types of surfaces.

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137 products

Warm grey IV 273 Sale price31 SEK
Warm grey III 272 Sale price31 SEK
Warm grey II 271 Sale price31 SEK
Warm grey I 270 Sale price31 SEK
Green gold 268 Sale price31 SEK
Permanent green 266 Sale price31 SEK
Dark phthalo green 264 Sale price31 SEK
Caput mortuum violet 263 Sale price31 SEK
Copper 252 Sale price31 SEK
Silver 251 Sale price31 SEK
Gold 250 Sale price31 SEK
Mauve 249 Sale price31 SEK
Indanthrene blue 247 Sale price31 SEK
Prussian blue 246 Sale price31 SEK
Cold grey VI 235 Sale price31 SEK
Cold grey V 234 Sale price31 SEK
Cold grey IV 233 Sale price31 SEK
Cold grey III 232 Sale price31 SEK
Cold grey II 231 Sale price31 SEK
Cold grey I 230 Sale price31 SEK
Alizarin crimson 226 Sale price31 SEK
Dark red 225 Sale price31 SEK
Deep red 223 Sale price31 SEK
Deep scarlet red 219 Sale price31 SEK
Middle cadmium red 217 Sale price31 SEK
Cadmium yellow lemon 205 Sale price31 SEK
Red-voilet 194 Sale price31 SEK
India red 192 Sale price31 SEK
Pompeian red 191 Sale price31 SEK
Venetian red 190 Sale price31 SEK
Sanguine 188 Sale price31 SEK
Burnt ochre 187 Sale price31 SEK
Terracotta 186 Sale price31 SEK
Naples yellow 185 Sale price31 SEK
Dark naples ochre 184 Sale price31 SEK
Light yellow ochre 183 Sale price31 SEK
Brown ochre 182 Sale price31 SEK
Payne's grey 181 Sale price31 SEK
Raw umber 180 Sale price31 SEK
Bistre 179 Sale price31 SEK
Nougat 178 Sale price31 SEK
Van Dyck brown 176 Sale price31 SEK
Dark sepia 175 Sale price31 SEK
Chromium green opaque 174 Sale price31 SEK
Olive green yellowish 173 Sale price31 SEK
Light green 171 Sale price31 SEK
May green 170 Sale price31 SEK
Caput mortuum 169 Sale price31 SEK

How do you use watercolor pencils?

Watercolor pencils are easy to use and can be used in many different ways. To use them, start by choosing the colors you want to use and then draw or color on the paper. Once you've sketched out your design, you can use a brush and water to blend the colors and create unique effects.

Create layers

One of the great benefits of watercolor pencils is their ability to create layers. You can layer multiple colors on top of each other and use water to blend the colors together, creating a gradual transition between colors. If you want more intensity in the colors, you can also use the watercolor pencils dry and then activate the color by adding water.

Choose the right watercolor pencils

When choosing watercolor pencils, there are several things to consider.

Color variations

One of the most important things is color variation. Make sure you choose a set with many different colors so you can achieve the desired color and tone in your work. It's also important to choose high-quality watercolor pencils for the best results.


Another factor to consider is the price. Some brands of watercolor pencils can be very expensive, while others are more affordable. It's important to choose a brand that fits your budget but is still of high quality.

Soft or hard tips

Finally, you can also consider whether you want watercolor pencils with soft or hard tips. Soft tips provide more color and can be used to create broad, airy strokes, while hard tips are more precise and can be used to achieve fine details.

Care and maintenance of watercolor pencils

To maintain the quality of your watercolor pencils, it's important to take care of them and maintain them properly. After use, make sure to clean your brushes and pencils to remove excess color and ensure they are ready for use next time.

You should also store your watercolor pencils in a dry and cool place to avoid heat or moisture that can affect the quality of the colors and material of the pencils. If your pencils are dry or worn, you can use a craft knife to cut away the damaged material and sharpen the tip.

Watercolor pencils create amazing results

Watercolor pencils are a great option for all artists and creative individuals who want to create unique effects and blend colors in a beautiful way. They are versatile and can be used on a variety of surfaces, and their ability to create layers allows you to achieve a gradual transition between colors. By choosing high-quality watercolor pencils with many color variations, you can achieve the best results and create impressive works. So why not take the plunge and buy a set of watercolor pencils today and explore their potential?